Mac Format 1995 June
MacFormat 25.iso
Shareware City
BBEdit Lite 3.0
BBEdit Product & Pricing Info
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475 lines
Text Editors vs. Word Processors
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Many people consider that text editors and word processors are
actually the same type of application, differing mainly on the basis
of size and cost. There are, however, a number of practical features
which affect how a given program should be categorized.
Text editors are applications which are used strictly for editing and
transforming text. In this context, "text" means a document which
contains any arbitrary combination of characters, including letters,
numbers, punctuation marks, and other symbols. Some examples include
PostScript text files, BinHex or uuencoded data files, program source
code files, or documents such as this one. The functional emphasis for
a text editor is on manipulation of characters and lines (often within
very large files), rather than words or other units of written
language. This of course does not imply that text editors cannot or
should not have word-oriented functions as well, but rather that they
must handle a variety of arbitrary types of file content which word
processors are not optimized for.
A text editor does not commonly incorporate extensive formatting
options, as its goal is to manipulate files which will be employed or
passed on in digital form (e.g. as ASCII files, or as input to some
external formatting or processing program). Thus, provisions for
external interactions with programming environments or similar tools
are also common among text editors.
In contrast, word processors are applications optimized and primarily
used for preparing and formatting documents for printed output. In
keeping with the nature of printed documents, word processing programs
naturally focus on language elements such as words, paragraphs, and
sentences, and on providing extensive sets of formatting options to
aid in the production of printed output.
In principle, word processors can provide many of the text
manipulation features of text editors. In practice, text editors are
leaner and meaner: they enjoy much smaller footprints (in other words,
they take up less space, both on the disk and in RAM), and are faster
at display and scrolling than word processors. They contain features
that most word processors don't have, such as multi-file search and
replace, line-oriented text manipulation, and even more. They are
ideal tools for programming, telecommunications, cross-platform text
transfer, data analysis, and simple composition (such as the file
you're reading now).
BBEdit is a text editor.
Why BBEdit is so Cool
=== ====== == == ====
Most text editors are capable tools. BBEdit is a power tool:
- It's Accelerated for Power Macintosh
- Supports the AOCE "Standard Mail Package" for composing,
reading, and sending PowerTalk(tm) mail messages.
- Includes Macintosh Drag and Drop, and support for
drag-and-drop text editing.
- "Soft" text wrapping for easy formatting of text without
carriage returns.
- Integrated PopupFuncs(tm) technology for fast navigation
of C, C++, Pascal, Object Pascal, and 68K assembler source
- Unique Multi-File Compare, for comparing text files, folders,
and project documents.
- Integrated support for THINK C(tm) and Symantec C++.
(THINK C/Symantec C++ version 6.0 or later required)
- Integrated support for Metrowerks CodeWarrior(tm)
(CodeWarrior version 1.2 or later ("CW5") required)
- Integrated support for Symantec C++ for Power Macintosh v8.0
- Scriptable, via AppleScript(r), Frontier, or any other OSA-
compliant scripting system.
- Support for MPW(r)'s ToolServer.
- Support for the MPW "411" on-line Macintosh
programming reference.
- Importing and Exporting of foreign file formats via
Claris XTND(tm).
- Disk and Glossary Browsers.
- Ability to read THINK C, THINK Pascal, and Code
Warrior projects for browsing and searching.
- Support for On Location(tm) for text searches.
- Multi-file search and replace.
- Automatic line feed translation.
- Stationery documents.
- Ability to open multiple files with one command.
- Pattern ("grep") searching.
- System 7 savvy; System 6 friendly.
- A/UX(tm) 3.0 compatible.
Here's what some of the critics have to say about BBEdit:
"It doesn't suck."
- Leonard Rosenthol, Director of Advanced Technology,
Aladdin Systems.
"It has that, as the French say, 'I don't know what'".
- Keith Rollin, co-author, Macintosh Programming Secrets
"BBEdit provides much functionality in an uncluttered
interface that belies its power."
- TidBITS #202
"The speed of BBEdit on Power Macs is very impressive. Large files
open very quickly, and search and replace operations,
particularly multi-file seaching, really fly."
- Tom Emerson, Software Engineer, Symantec Corporation
"BBEdit's combination of ease of use, drag-and-drop text editing,
XTND(TM) support, and integration with Symantec C++ have made
it my ideal development environment."
- Chris Borton, Senior Software Engineer, Storm Technology, Inc.
Why not use Another Text Editor?
=== === === ======= ==== =======
There are many reasons:
- None of them are as well-supported as BBEdit. Others
go years between maintenance versions and major releases;
we continually maintain and enhance BBEdit to meet our
customers' needs.
- None of them work as smoothly with your chosen development
tools (CodeWarrior, THINK C/Symantec C++, THINK Reference 2.0,
or MPW ToolServer) as BBEdit does.
- None of them can read or search THINK C, THINK Pascal,
and Code Warrior project documents.
- None of the others are Accelerated for Power Macintosh.
- None of them support the Claris XTND mechanism.
- Or On Location.
- Or have any neat features like disk browsers.
- Or support for Balloon Help.
And the list goes on.
BBEdit has been around for a long time, and continues to support its
installed base. And it promises to keep on doing so. Let's face it:
there are old text editors, and there are bold text editors, but there
are no old, bold text editors.
Current Major Version: 3.1
Application Type: Text Editor
Application Size on Disk: 397K
Total Package Size (application and support files only): 787K
Documentation: supplied in electronic format on CD-ROM.
180-page perfect-bound User Manual available at extra charge.
Maximum File Size: Limited by available system memory; theoretical max. is 2GB.
Maximum number of open files: Limited by available memory.
File Formats: Macintosh 'TEXT', DOS, UNIX(tm), any XTND-translatable format.
Apple Event Support: 'required' suite, portions of 'core' suite, custom
BBEdit control suite, plus additional events as necessary
for ToolServer, On Location, THINK Reference 2.0, THINK C/Symantec C++.
Text Search & Replace: plain-text search, both forward and reverse. Case-
and word-sensitive; 'grep' pattern-matching.
Text Viewing and Editing: parenthesis balancing; smart quotes; splittable
editing windows; optional display of tab stops, line numbers, invisible
characters, and cursor position.
Expansion: via drop-in code modules. API documented, published, and upward-
System Software: version 6.0.7 or later, or A/UX 3.0 or later. (System 7.0
or later recommended.)
Hardware: Macintosh Plus or later; includes all Plus, SE, II, Quadra, Centris,
Performa, PowerBook, Duo, Classic, and Power Macintosh models.
Memory: 450K of RAM minimum. Compatible with Apple VM, 32-bit mode, and
Connectix MAXIMA, VIRTUAL, and MODE32 software.
Disk: Will fit on an 800K floppy disk with System 6.0.7 minimum installation;
1.44MB disk with System 7.x minimum installation.
NOTE: CD-ROM drive strongly recommended.
Pricing Information
======= ===========
== NOTE: As of version 3.1, BBEdit is delivered on CD-ROM with electronic ==
== documentation. A floppy/manual set is available at nominal cost to ==
== customers who do not have access to a CD-ROM drive. ==
The pricing information presented here is for people who would like to
obtain BBEdit directly from Bare Bones Software. You can also obtain
BBEdit from MacTech Magazine's Mail Order Store; call (310) 575-4343
for pricing and ordering information.
Customers in Australia and New Zealand may contact TechFlow Pty.
Ltd. In Australia, contact:
TechFlow Pty. Ltd.
5/17 Mooramba Road
Dee Why, Sydney, 2099
Phone +61 2 971 4311
Fax +61 2 982 3623
In New Zealand, contact:
TechFlow Pty. Ltd.
439 Lake Road
Phone +64 9 486 0659
Fax +64 9 489 6010
Upgrade Offer Eligibility
======= ===== ===========
Check the following list to determine whether you are eligible for
an upgrade price. If not, you must order using the Individual Copy
pricing given below.
BBEdit 3.0 and 2.5 Users:
Provide a copy of your product registration or order number. Offer
limited to one upgrade copy per original copy purchased.
Complementary Upgrade:
Owners of MPW, THINK C/Pascal, Symantec C++, CodeWarrior, A/UX, and
MachTen are eligible. Please send in a photocopy of the first page
of your manual, or a photocopy of the dated purchase receipt. This
offer applies to any version of these products. If ordering via e-mail,
please provide the product registration number instead.
Competitive Upgrade:
Users of BBEdit 2.2 and Lite, Vantage, and QUED/M are eligible.
BBEdit Lite or BBEdit 2.2 Users: Include a screen snapshot of the
about-box from your copy of BBEdit, or a screen snapshot of the
Finder's "Get Info" window for your copy of BBEdit. If ordering by
e-mail, please include the creation date and version number of the
BBEdit version you have.
Vantage or QUED/M Owners: Send in the _original_ first page of your
manual. Only original manual pages will be accepted. If ordering by
e-mail, please provide the product registration number.
Currently enrolled full-time undergraduate and graduate students are
eligible. Include a photocopy of both sides of your currently valid
student ID or receipt for the current semester's tuition. If ordering
by e-mail, please provide the name of your college and your student
ID number.
BBEdit 3.1 Direct Purchase Price List
Individual Copy Package*: _______ copies x $______ /copy = $________
* Package consists of program and electronic documentation
on CD-ROM, together with selected demos and utilities.
Quantity: 1-5 $119 ea.
6-15 $99 ea.
16-30 $89 ea.
31-50 $75 ea.
51+ $69 ea.
Upgrade from BBEdit 3.0: _______ copies x $______ /copy = $________
if purchased before December 1, 1994 -- $39
if purchased on/after December 1, 1994 -- FREE
(See above for qualification details)
Upgrade from BBEdit 2.5: _______ copies x $ 39.00 /copy = $________
(See above for qualification details)
Complementary Upgrade: _______ copies x $ 79.00 /copy = $________
(Eligible programs: MPW, THINK C/Pascal, Symantec C++, CodeWarrior,
A/UX, MachTen. See above for qualification details)
Competitive Upgrade: _______ copies x $ 79.00 /copy = $________
(Eligible programs: BBEdit 2.2 and Lite, Vantage, QUED/M.
See above for qualification details)
Student Price: _______ copies x $ 39.00 /copy = $________
(See above for eligibility details)
Floppy/Manual set: _______ sets x $ 15.00 /set = $________
Floppy/Manual Set includes program and demo floppy,
180-page perfect-bound manual. Requires purchase of
BBEdit. Limit: one floppy/manual set per copy of BBEdit
ordered. NOTE: Additional shipping & handling charges
apply. See below for details.
Site Licenses and Resellers:
Please contact Bare Bones Software for information on site license and
reseller pricing.
Total for Software = $________
Sales tax (5% for
orders within MA) = $________
Shipping & Handling = $________
(see rates below)
ORDER TOTAL = $________
Shipping and Handling
======== === ========
== Please note that two-day and overnight shipping options are not ==
== available for student and upgrade orders. ==
Domestic Shipping & Handling (United States Only):
Shipping Method* Charge** Delivery Time***
-------- ------ ------ -------- ----
Standard Service $5.00 varies by destination
Second Day Service $10.00 second business day
Overnight Service $20.00 next business day
International Shipping & Handling (Canada, Europe, etc)****:
Standard Service $5.00 varies by destination
Federal Express Priority $40.00+ second business day*****
* Domestic shipping method is "best way", and varies at our sole
** Shipping charges are based on one copy per order. For
multiple copies per order, please add an additional per-copy
charge of half the listed single copy charge.
If you are ordering floppy/manual sets, add US$5 per set to the
total shipping and handling charge.
*** Delivery time is from receipt of order. Ground and two-day
service orders will typically be processed within five days of
receipt. Overnight orders will typically be processed on the
day of receipt. (Order processing and delivery times are
approximate, and can vary due to circumstances beyond our control.)
**** Packages shipped to international destinations may be subject
to import broker fees and local taxes, which are the responsibility
of the recipient. Additionally, we cannot be responsible for delays
due to customs processing at the port of entry.
***** Minimum charge. Federal Express shipping charges for international
shipment vary by destination and weight of package.
Ordering Information
======== ===========
Orders should include the following:
* Order Quantity and Payment:
Check, bank draft, or money order for the appropriate
amount, as determined from the order form above. Checks,
drafts, and money orders should be made payable to
"Bare Bones Software". If paying by credit card (MasterCard
and Visa only), please also include the following information
with your order:
- Your name, as it appears on the credit card.
- The address to which the credit card is billed.
- The credit card number (MasterCard and Visa only).
- The expiration date (month/year) of the card.
* Shipping Address:
The address to which your order should be shipped.
* Contact Information:
Your phone number and e-mail address, if appropriate (for
registration and product support purposes).
* Proof of Discount Eligibility:
If you're requesting a discount price, include one
proof of discount for -each- copy you would like to
buy at the discounted price.
Purchase Orders: We accept purchase orders from D&B-rated businesses,
as well as universities, and government agencies (state or federal).
Terms are NET 30. Note that we will not accept purchase orders for
copies ordered at the student price.
If you are a small business or reseller, please write or call for
additional information.
Placing Your Order
======= ==== =====
To place an order or request additional information by mail, write to:
Bare Bones Software
P.O. Box 108
Bedford, MA 01730-0108
To place an order or request additional information by e-mail, write to:
Internet: bbsw@netcom.com
CIS: 73051,3255
eWorld: BareBones
To place an order or request information by phone, call (508) 651-3561.
To place an order or request information by fax, fax (508) 651-7584.
Demo Version Availability
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A demo version of BBEdit 3.1 is available on the Internet for
anonymous FTP from ftp.netcom.com, in /pub/bbsw; world.std.com, in
/ftp/pub/bbedit; the demo can also be found on sumex.stanford.edu,
in /info-mac/text. On CIS, look for BBEDIT.DMO in various forum
libraries, including MACDEV, SYMDEV, and ZMC:DOWNTECH, or use the
File Finder with keyword "bbedit". The BBEdit demo package is also
available from various other information services and BBSes; check
yours to see if it's there.
If you have the ability to resolve URLs, the following URLs will
lead to a BBEdit demo package:
All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective developers.
This document is written by and copyright (c)1994 by Bare Bones Software, Inc.
It may be redistributed freely as long as it is not modified in any way.
Information presented here is accurate as of the time of writing, but is
subject to change without notice.